Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Smart Tips - Taking Great Seascapes

words and pics by Danielle Lancaster

With the advent of digital there has been a resurgence in photography! There are not many of us who now do not own a digital camera – even our phones can take photographs.
Seascapes are one of the most sought after of all professional imagery. They are in fact a landscape, just with a bit of sea in it.
So how do we make those seascapes look dynamic? Here’s a couple of simple tips:
1. Create Depth: Position subjects so you have a foreground, mid-ground and background such as a boat, rocks even driftwood.
2. Choose a small aperture anything from f/11 to f/32 or smaller and watch your shutter speed – when it falls below what you can hand hold at, use a tripod.
3. Use a wide angle lens: This gives a greater angle of view and depth of field.
4. Compose! Are there lines you can use to lead the viewer’s eye into and around your image; look for frames, contrast and colour.
5. Use the rule of thirds!! Ask yourself: what is the most important part of your seascape. Is it the sky or the sea? If it’s the sky, place your horizon close to a third up from the bottom of your image frame. If it’s the seas , place the horizon a third down from the top of your image frame.
6. Use those clouds: Clouds are a secret to amazing seascape photography and often as the rain is going they are even more dramatic!

An object in the foreground gives a greater feeling of depth

Danielle’s Top Tip:
At full moon, the sky in the opposite direction to where the moon is rising or setting will often be more exaggerated in the hues of pinks and purples!
Danielle Lancaster is a professional photographer who loves sharing her passion with others. Her company Bluedog Photography shoots a range of imagery for corporate and private clients and runs Bluedog Photography Courses, Retreats and Tours More: Visit; or call 07 554 54777

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